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** VCF 2000 ** ESO 2000 (update 2006) ** PMP 2001 ** ** FRM 2001 ** PFC 2002 ** Odour Thresholds ** |
Flavor-Base 10 VCF 2000 - Volatile Compounds in Foods PMP 2001 - Perfumery Materials PFC - Perfume & Fragrance Classification FRM 2001 - Flavor Raw Materials
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Flavor-Base - 10th Edition Flavor-Base - 10th Edition The 10th Edition is a major revision to the world's
leading database on flavoring materials and food additives.
Flavor-Base 10 provides flavor & regulatory data
relevant to the Flavor, Food, Beverage & Tobacco
industries. ![]() Whats New or been Updated in Flavor-Base - 10th Edition? GRAS & EC Flavor Chemicals Flavor-Base includes the complete listing of Flavor chemicals on the FDA & FEMA GRAS Lists to 2016 plus all flavor chemicals on the EC Register List. You may now also access the EC Flavouring Register list (with updates) from the GRAS & EC Flavor Chemicals screen providing you have installed the Adobe Reader. In addition, the 10th edition includes an indication of suitability for use in Japan along with pdf files of the Japanese Flavor Regulations and Japanese Food law. Flavor chemicals are cross referenced to the EC Flavis numbers and to JECFA numbers (with the latest JECFA toxicological summary information). In addition, citations and examples of use from the last 55 years of patent literature are now included in this database. Molecular structures and other properties for all flavor chemicals are provided. These additions increase the number of flavor chemicals to about 4324. And over 1000 additional organoleptic evaluations have been added. All flavor chemicals from FEMA GRAS lists 26 & 27 are also included - all with pertinant flavor information. GRAS & EC Natural Flavor Materials now contains all materials on the FEMA & FDA GRAS Lists plus the natural materials on the Council of Europe List. This database now contains 954 materials with extensive background information on usage and the botanicals habitat. Many items have details of the chemical composition. Several hundred gas chromatography analyses are given. Photos or illustrations for each of the botanicals are provided. All flavor materials from FEMA GRAS lists 26 & 27 are also included - all with pertinant flavor information. Bibliography a bibliographic database file containing over 5,360 references to pertinent flavor literature. Odor Thresholds This file of 995 GRAS & EC flavor chemicals is one of the most extensive compilation of such Odor & Flavor thresholds ever published. This file provides both the range of thresholds in various media (e.g., water, orange juice, beer, wine, oil, etc.) and provides a reference number that corresponds to those in the file "Threshold References". Odor Activity Value/Flavor Units The so-called ODOR ACTIVITY VALUE or FLAVOR UNIT values can be generated from the "GRAS Flavorants in PPM in Foodstuffs" file. By accessing the "Odor Activity/Flavor Unit" query or report, one can generate both the reported concentrations and the Odor Activity/Flavor Unit value for all chemicals in a foodstuff for which a detection threshold value is given. The Odor Activity/Flavor unit value provides an indication of the chemicals contribution to the foodstuffs flavor/aroma. Thus, a very minor constituent that may be a major flavor contributor can quickly be identified by this technique. FDA Direct Food Additives This file contains material on direct food additives approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) which appear in Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections 1 to 199, plus the numerous GRAS food additives approved by FDA (e.g., potassium benzoate) which are not listed in the CFR. Current to early 2016. Materials are cross referenced with European "E" numbers. The complete original text of the Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections 1 to 199 are provided as pdf files. European Community List This file contains food additives approved by the European Commission. The 370+ materials with "E" numbers are listed with functionality and permitted uses and use levels as specified in the new Regulation 1333/2008 (and the related amendments, Regulations 1130/2011, 1131/2011, 231/2012, 232/2012, 380/2012, 570/2012, 583/2012, 675/2012, 1049/2012, 1050/2012, 1057/2012, 1147/2012, 1148/2012, 1149/2012, 1166/2012, 25/2013, 244/2013, 256/2013, 438/2013, 497/2013, 509/2013, 510/2013, 723/2013, 738/2013, 739/2013, 816/2013, 817/2013, 818/2013, 913/2013, 1068/2013, 1069/2013, 1274/2013, 59/2014, 264/2014, 298/2014, 497/2014, 505/2014, 506/2014, 601/2014, 685/2014, 923/2014, 957/2014, 966/2014, 969/2014, 1084/2014, 1092/2014, 1093/2014, 2015/463, 2015/537, 2015/538, 2015/639, 2015/647, 2015/649, 2015/826, 2015/1378, 2015/1725, 2015/1739 & 2015/1832; this now contains the comprehensive listing of permitted additives and their permitted uses through 2015 ). Copies of the EU Food Regulations are also provided as pdf files. Materials are cross referenced with FDA numbers from Title 21 of the U.S. CFR and/or FEMA & COE numbers. GRAS Flavorants in Parts Per Million of Foodstuffs This file now contains the approximate quantitative composition of GRAS chemicals reported present in 180 foodstuffs and contains nearly of 6611 entries in a colorful and easy to use interface screen. Now when in browse, query or report mode it also provides the general flavor description. Natural Occurrence of GRAS Chemicals in Products This file contains over 19,080 records of reported natural occurrence of GRAS chemicals in 295 foodstuffs and natural products. Now when in report mode it also provides the general flavor description. Sources For Natural Flavor Chemicals This file contains an updated listing of "Natural" flavor chemicals (over 4884 entries) which are commercially available along with supplier information. This file is also designed so that the user can add, edit and delete records on screen. Suppliers of Flavor Materials This file provides an updated listing of Flavor suppliers with email contacts, web pages, addresses and phone/fax numbers. This file is also designed so that the user can add, edit and delete records on screen. Colors This file is presented in a colorful and easy to use interface screen that quickly provides color regulatory status in major countries. Easily queried or reported by color or by country. The file includes the EU revisions as of early 2016. Title 21 - U.S. Code of Federal Regulations This database provides the COMPLETE SEARCHABLE TEXT of all regulations appearing in Title 21 CFR (sections 1 to 199 as of 2016 ). The complete original text of the Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections 1 to 199 are also provided as pdf files. USDA Meat & Poultry Additives This database provides in searchable form the regulations of the U.S. Department of Agriculture for Meat and Poultry Additives appearing in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR Title 9 Sections 424.21 and 421.22 as of 2016). The complete original text of the CFR is provided as a pdf file. Your Database is designed so that the user can add, edit and delete their own records on screen. This database was designed so that users who had added or edited records to the graschem.dbf or naturals.dbf databases in previous versions of Flavor-Base could easily import (append) records from those prior databases into the database here (yourdata.dbf). System Requirements: Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10. A mouse. 2GB RAM or more is recommended. 385 MB of hard disk space for installation of Flavor-Base 10 "PROFESSIONAL". A high resolution monitor running in 800 X 600 pixel mode or higher (for example, on a 19 inch monitor we recommend the 1024 X 768 pixel mode (or higher). PRICE: U.S. $3875.00 - This product price is for a non-exclusive license granting rights to use the Flavor-Base 10 program and product files on one (1) personal computer or work station at a time. A separate license agreement and fee is required for each personal computer or work station on which the product is used. For each additional user at the same location add U.S. $1050.00. Contact us about a Site license or Worldwide license. Current registered users of Flavor-Base 9 qualify for an upgrade at U.S. $1050.00. Contact us for pricing on upgrading an existing site license or worldwide license. For information on the special Tobacco Edition (Price: $6975.00), contact us. Download the Flavor-Base 10 Demo To order - write or Email: LEFFINGWELL &
ASSOCIATES Flavor-Base 10 is a product of Leffingwell & Associates. Copyright © by
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