- Grassy, green long lasting, unpleasnnt sulfur
Ref: Ronald
Bentley, The Nose as a Stereochemist.
Enantiomers and Odor, Chemical Reviews, 2006,
106, 4099-4112; Mosandl, A.; Deger, W.; Gessner,
M.; Gunther, C.; Heusinger, G.; Singer, G.
Lebensmittelchem. Gerichtl. Chem. 1987, 41,
- Intensive, green sulfur note (reminiscent of
Ref: Ronald
Bentley, The Nose as a Stereochemist.
Enantiomers and Odor, Chemical Reviews, 2006,
106, 4099-4112; Mosandl, A.; Deger, W.; Gessner,
M.; Gunther, C.; Heusinger, G.; Singer, G.
Lebensmittelchem. Gerichtl. Chem. 1987, 41,
- Intensive, pungent green foul sulfur note
Ref: Ronald
Bentley, The Nose as a Stereochemist.
Enantiomers and Odor, Chemical Reviews, 2006,
106, 4099-4112; Mosandl, A.; Deger, W.; Gessner,
M.; Gunther, C.; Heusinger, G.; Singer, G.
Lebensmittelchem. Gerichtl. Chem. 1987, 41,
- Intensive, exotic fruit note, very
Ref: Ronald
Bentley, The Nose as a Stereochemist.
Enantiomers and Odor, Chemical Reviews, 2006,
106, 4099-4112; Mosandl, A.; Deger, W.; Gessner,
M.; Gunther, C.; Heusinger, G.; Singer, G.
Lebensmittelchem. Gerichtl. Chem. 1987, 41,