- fresh, some cooling, sweet-minty with musty,
bitter, phenolic and herbaceous notes
Threshold = 300 ppb
Threshold = 3000 ppb
J.C. & R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol -
Syntheses and organoleptic properties, Cosmetics
and Perfumery, 89(6), 69-89, 1974; Hopp, R.,
Menthol: its origins, chemistry, physiology and
toxicological properties, Rec. Adv. Tobacco
Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics
on menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for
the use of nature-identical peppermint oils.,
Topics in Flavor Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz
and P. Schrier, Editors, H. Eichorn, Marzling,
Germany, pp. 201-218 (1988).
- very cooling, fresh, sweet, minty
Threshold = 400 ppb
Threshold = 800 ppb
J.C. & R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol -
Syntheses and organoleptic properties, Cosmetics
and Perfumery, 89(6), 69-89, 1974; Hopp, R.,
Menthol: its origins, chemistry, physiology and
toxicological properties, Rec. Adv. Tobacco
Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics
on menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for
the use of nature-identical peppermint oils.,
Topics in Flavor Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz
and P. Schrier, Editors, H. Eichorn, Marzling,
Germany, pp. 201-218 (1988).
- minty, musty, fresh, earthy-camphoraceous,
some cooling
Threshold = 600 ppb
Threshold = 25000 ppb
J.C. & R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol -
Syntheses and organoleptic properties, Cosmetics
and Perfumery, 89(6), 69-89, 1974; Hopp, R.,
Menthol: its origins, chemistry, physiology and
toxicological properties, Rec. Adv. Tobacco
Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics
on menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for
the use of nature-identical peppermint oils.,
Topics in Flavor Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz
and P. Schrier, Editors, H. Eichorn, Marzling,
Germany, pp. 201-218 (1988).
- sweet, musty, fresh, some cooling,
Threshold = 500 ppb
Threshold = 2500 ppb
J.C. & R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol -
Syntheses and organoleptic properties, Cosmetics
and Perfumery, 89(6), 69-89, 1974; Hopp, R.,
Menthol: its origins, chemistry, physiology and
toxicological properties, Rec. Adv. Tobacco
Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics
on menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for
the use of nature-identical peppermint oils.,
Topics in Flavor Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz
and P. Schrier, Editors, H. Eichorn, Marzling,
Germany, pp. 201-218 (1988).
- musty, sweet, herbaceous, earthy-camphoraceous, hay,
slight cooling
Taste Threshold = 600
Cooling Threshold =
30000 ppb
Leffingwell, J.C.
& R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol - Syntheses and
organoleptic properties, Cosmetics and Perfumery, 89(6),
69-89, 1974; Hopp, R., Menthol: its origins, chemistry,
physiology and toxicological properties, Rec. Adv.
Tobacco Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics on
menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for the use of
nature-identical peppermint oils., Topics in Flavor
Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz and P. Schrier, Editors,
H. Eichorn, Marzling, Germany, pp. 201-218
- musty, woody, fresh-carrot-minty, earthy-camphoraceous,
slight cooling
Taste Threshold = 700
Cooling Threshold =
7000 ppb
Leffingwell, J.C.
& R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol - Syntheses and
organoleptic properties, Cosmetics and Perfumery, 89(6),
69-89, 1974; Hopp, R., Menthol: its origins, chemistry,
physiology and toxicological properties, Rec. Adv.
Tobacco Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics on
menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for the use of
nature-identical peppermint oils., Topics in Flavor
Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz and P. Schrier, Editors,
H. Eichorn, Marzling, Germany, pp. 201-218
- musty, earthy-camphoraceous, sweet, minty, woody,
slight cooling
Taste Threshold = 1000
Cooling Threshold =
6000 ppb
Leffingwell, J.C.
& R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol - Syntheses and
organoleptic properties, Cosmetics and Perfumery, 89(6),
69-89, 1974; Hopp, R., Menthol: its origins, chemistry,
physiology and toxicological properties, Rec. Adv.
Tobacco Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics on
menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for the use of
nature-identical peppermint oils., Topics in Flavor
Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz and P. Schrier, Editors,
H. Eichorn, Marzling, Germany, pp. 201-218
- musty, earthy-camphoraceous, woody, carrot, herbaceous,
minty, very little cooling
Taste Threshold = 200
Cooling Threshold =
>25000 ppb
Leffingwell, J.C.
& R.E. Shackelford, Laevo-Menthol - Syntheses and
organoleptic properties, Cosmetics and Perfumery, 89(6),
69-89, 1974; Hopp, R., Menthol: its origins, chemistry,
physiology and toxicological properties, Rec. Adv.
Tobacco Science, Vol. 19, 3-46 (1993); Enberger, R. and
R. Hopp, Synthesis and sensory charachteristics on
menthol enantiomers and their derivitives for the use of
nature-identical peppermint oils., Topics in Flavor
Research, R.G. Berger, S. Nitz and P. Schrier, Editors,
H. Eichorn, Marzling, Germany, pp. 201-218