- lily of the valley odor but slightly less
strong than the (R)-(-)-isomer; also described
as "aldehydic, chemical" (Yamamoto)
Ref: Georg
Frater, et. al., Tetrahedron, 54, 7633-7703
(1998); D. Enders & H. Dyker, Liebigs Ann.
Chem., 1107-1110 (1990). See also, Fumiko
Yoshii, Tomoko Nakamura, Shuichi Hirono, Yumiko
Shimizu,Takashi Hoshi, Masayoshi Ando, and
Hisahiro Hagiwara, Conformational Analysis and
Selection of Odor-Active Conformers: Synthesis
of Molecules Designed for the Lily-of-the-Valley
(Muguet)-Type Odor, Helvetica Chimica Acta, Vol.
84 (2001) pp. 2051-2063 and Dietmar Bartschat,
Susanne Börner, A. Mosandl and Jan W. Bats,
Stereoisomeric flavour compounds LXXVI: direct
enantioseparation, structure elucidation and
structure-function relationship of
Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung,
Volume 205 Issue 1 (1997) pp 76-79; T. Yamamato,
Advances in the transition metal (Rh,
Ru)-BINAP-catalyzed asymmetric chiral compounds
for flavours and fragrances and their associated
sensory properties, in Current Topics in
Flavours and Fragrances - Towards a New
Millennium of Discovery, Karl A. D. Swift, Ed.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers (now Springer), 2000,
pp. 33-59, Note that the odor description is
based on the (+)-enantiomer as Yamamoto's
assignment of the (S) configuration has been
is a registered trademark of Givaudan
Also known as
Lilestralis (AFC), Lysmeral (BASF), Lilialdehyde
lily of the valley odor but slightly stronger
odor than the (S)-(+)-isomer; also described as
"floral, oily, lily-of-the
valley" (Yamamoto)
Ref: Georg
Frater, et. al., Tetrahedron, 54, 7633-7703
(1998); D. Enders & H. Dyker, Liebigs Ann.
Chem., 1107-1110 (1990). See also, Fumiko
Yoshii, Tomoko Nakamura, Shuichi Hirono, Yumiko
Shimizu,Takashi Hoshi, Masayoshi Ando, and
Hisahiro Hagiwara, Conformational Analysis and
Selection of Odor-Active Conformers: Synthesis
of Molecules Designed for the Lily-of-the-Valley
(Muguet)-Type Odor, Helvetica Chimica Acta, Vol.
84 (2001) pp. 2051-2063 and Dietmar Bartschat,
Susanne Börner, A. Mosandl and Jan W. Bats,
Stereoisomeric flavour compounds LXXVI: direct
enantioseparation, structure elucidation and
structure-function relationship of
Zeitschrift für Lebensmitteluntersuchung,
Volume 205 Issue 1 (1997) pp 76-79; T. Yamamato,
Advances in the transition metal (Rh,
Ru)-BINAP-catalyzed asymmetric chiral compounds
for flavours and fragrances and their associated
sensory properties, in Current Topics in
Flavours and Fragrances - Towards a New
Millennium of Discovery, Karl A. D. Swift, Ed.,
Kluwer Academic Publishers (now Springer), 2000,
pp. 33-59, Note that the odor description is
based on the (-)-enantiomer as Yamamoto's
assignment of the (R) configuration has been
is a registered trademark of Givaudan
Also known as
Lilestralis (AFC), Lysmeral (BASF), Lilialdehyde