acetate - a stronger pungent and woody aroma
than (+)-(R)-Galangal acetate
Ref: Xiaogen
Yang, Martin Rohr and Jason Jordan,
Identification of Dihydrogalangal Acetate in
Galangal [Alpinia galangal (L.) Swartz]
Extracts, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (8), pp
32863290. For background information on
Galangal acetate and the on the pungent
principles of galangal and structure-pungency
relationships of various compounds related to
galangal acetate see - a) Gautschi, M.; Yang,
X.; Eilerman, R.; Frater, G. Flavor chemicals
with pungent properties. In Flavor Chemistry
-Thirty Years of Progress; Teranishi, R., et
al., Eds.; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers:
New York, 1999, pp 199-210; b) Xiaogen Yang and
Robert G. Eilerman, Pungent Principal of Alpinia
galangal (L.) Swartz and Its Applications, J.
Agric. Food Chem. 1999, 47, 1657-1662 and c)
Bachmann, J. P.; Gautschi, M.; Hostettler, B.;
Yang, X. Pungent flavor components. European
Patent EP933030, 1998.
acetate - a faint woody and sweet
Ref: Xiaogen
Yang, Martin Rohr and Jason Jordan,
Identification of Dihydrogalangal Acetate in
Galangal [Alpinia galangal (L.) Swartz]
Extracts, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2009, 57 (8), pp
32863290. For background information on
Galangal acetate and the on the pungent
principles of galangal and structure-pungency
relationships of various compounds related to
galangal acetate see - a) Gautschi, M.; Yang,
X.; Eilerman, R.; Frater, G. Flavor chemicals
with pungent properties. In Flavor Chemistry
-Thirty Years of Progress; Teranishi, R., et
al., Eds.; Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers:
New York, 1999, pp 199-210; b) Xiaogen Yang and
Robert G. Eilerman, Pungent Principal of Alpinia
galangal (L.) Swartz and Its Applications, J.
Agric. Food Chem. 1999, 47, 1657-1662 and c)
Bachmann, J. P.; Gautschi, M.; Hostettler, B.;
Yang, X. Pungent flavor components. European
Patent EP933030, 1998.