- terpene-like, medicinal
Threshold = NA (in air)
Threshold = 500 ppb in water
Ref: Blank,
I., A. Sen, W. Grosch, Sensory study on the
character-impact flavour compounds of dill herb
(Anethum graveolens L.), Food Chem 43:337-343
(1992); Blank, I., W. Grosch, Evaluation of
potent odorants in dill seed and dill herb
(Anethum graveolens L.) by aroma extract
dilution analysis, J Food Sci 56:63-67 (1991);
Mans H. Boelens, Harrie Boelens & Leo J. van
Gemert, Sensory Properties of Optical Isomers,
Perfumer & Flavorist, Vol. 18, No. 6, 1-15,
1993; Koppenhoefer, B., R. Behnisch, U.
Epperlein, H.a Holzschuh, A. Bernreuther, P.
Piras and C. Roussel, Enantiomeric Odor
Differences and Gas Chromatographic Properties
of Flavors and Fragrances. A Selected Review.
Perfumer & Flavorist, Vol. 19(5), 1-14
- characteristic dill note; also as weed-like,
Threshold = 700 ppb in air
Threshold = 200 ppb in water
In dill,
(S)-(+)-alpha-Phellandrene was evaluated as the
character-impact compound of the dill flavour
which was rounded off by an additive effect of
(3R,4S,8S)-3,9-epoxy-1-p-menthene (dill ether)
(from the 1991 Annual Report Summary of the
Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für
Lebensmittelchemie at Technische Universitat
München, Dr. Peter Schieberle -
Ref: Blank,
I., A. Sen, W. Grosch, Sensory study on the
character-impact flavour compounds of dill herb
(Anethum graveolens L.), Food Chem 43:337-343
(1992); Blank, I., W. Grosch, Evaluation of
potent odorants in dill seed and dill herb
(Anethum graveolens L.) by aroma extract
dilution analysis, J Food Sci 56:63-67 (1991);
Mans H. Boelens, Harrie Boelens & Leo J. van
Gemert, Sensory Properties of Optical Isomers,
Perfumer & Flavorist, Vol. 18, No. 6, 1-15,
1993; Koppenhoefer, B., R. Behnisch, U.
Epperlein, H.a Holzschuh, A. Bernreuther, P.
Piras and C. Roussel, Enantiomeric Odor
Differences and Gas Chromatographic Properties
of Flavors and Fragrances. A Selected Review.
Perfumer & Flavorist, Vol. 19(5), 1-14