- milder, heavier odor than the
Ref: Julius
v. Braun, Ernst Anton, Geruch und molekulare
Asymmetrie, IV. Mitteilung: Die drei
1.3-Dimethylcyclohexanone-5 und die vier
1.3-Dimethyl-cyclohexanole-5, Berichte der
deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft (A and B
Series), Volume 60, Issue 11, Date: 7. December
1927, Pages: 2438-2446 as described in A.
Bernreuther, U. Epperlein, B. Koppenhoefer,
Enantiomers, Why they are important and how to
resolve them, in Techniques for analyzing food
aroma, Ray Marsili, Ed., CRC Press, 1996, p.
150. Absolute configuration deduced from
Rosalinde Imbos, Catalytic Asymmetric Conjugate
Additions and Heck Reactions, Thesis,
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, October 2002,
Chapter 4, p. 67; http://dissertations.ub.rug.nl/FILES/faculties/science/2002/r.imbos/thesis.pdf
However, this assignment needs
- fresher, more powerful odor than the
Ref: Julius
v. Braun, Ernst Anton, Geruch und molekulare
Asymmetrie, IV. Mitteilung: Die drei
1.3-Dimethylcyclohexanone-5 und die vier
1.3-Dimethyl-cyclohexanole-5, Berichte der
deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft (A and B
Series), Volume 60, Issue 11, Date: 7. December
1927, Pages: 2438-2446 as described in A.
Bernreuther, U. Epperlein, B. Koppenhoefer,
Enantiomers, Why they are important and how to
resolve them, in Techniques for analyzing food
aroma, Ray Marsili, Ed., CRC Press, 1996, p.
150. Absolute configuration deduced from
Rosalinde Imbos, Catalytic Asymmetric Conjugate
Additions and Heck Reactions, Thesis,
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, October 2002,
Chapter 4, p. 67; http://dissertations.ub.rug.nl/FILES/faculties/science/2002/r.imbos/thesis.pdf
- However, this assignment needs